
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

May's Health Challenge

Summer is right around the corner and if any of y'all are looking for some ways to help lose some fat so to help get ready for the lake/beach or just looking for a reason to improve your health…here is a little challenge to help get you started.

 I occasionally send out health challenges to my team at work and decided to post this one. My next article will go into more detail on fat loss. This is a good challenge for most of us and helps "prime the pump" for fat loss and improved health.  Here is the challenge:

For the month of May follow these guidelines:

  1. Eliminate/avoid gluten (wheat products primarily but it is also found in barley and rye) 
    • This is a tough one but can be done 
    • Yes, that means just about all breads and pastas 
  2. Eliminate/avoid high fructose corn syrup 
    • Read labels on this or simply avoid anything in a box 
  3. Eliminate processed oils/foods 
    • Anything that is partially or fully hydrogenated 
    • This includes most coffee creamers or snacks 
    • Any vegetable oil that is not cold-pressed 
    • Any corn or soy oil product (Any soy product for that matter!) 
    • Try to use unrefined coconut oil, EVOO, butter from grassfed cows (Kerrygold) 
  4. Eliminate/avoid anything with more than 5 ingredients 
    • This will also help get rid of just about everything in a box or package 
    • This means cooking will have to occur! 
  5. Be active a couple times a week 
    • This can be just about any exercise 
    • Pick something that is fun…go play!!! 

Here are some other tips, try to consume more of this:
  • Vegetables (a lot) 
    • The more color the better 
    • Raw, or lightly steamed/cooked 
  • Fruit 
    • Berries/melons are at the top of the list 
  • Grass fed beef/wild caught fish/pastured poultry/pork 
    • This would include farm raised eggs for those who eat eggs 
  • Probiotic containing food 
    • Fermented foods 
    • Kefir yogurt is at top of list 

I admit,  part of the reason for the challenge is a little selfish, since I will be doing this next month and don’t want to do it by myself, the other is its fun and reminds us that we are all in the same boat and its good for a little camaraderie. Good luck!!