So there we are with the kiddos, and
they are hungry. We just got home from
work, we are tired and just want to play some Candy Crush…or drink a beer, but the
villagers are restless and getting loud.
What to do? We can toss the
frozen pizza in the oven or microwave or actually get off our ass and prepare a
meal. Does it make difference? Well of course it does. The health and happiness of our children is one of the most
important things, if not the most important things, to us. I know, I know…some pizza or junk food every
now and then is fine and also fun. The
key to our kids health starts with a healthy gut. The trick is finding that balance of
providing what we know to be healthy and what isn’t while keeping the kids healthy AND happy.
Let’s get started. I wrote an article titled The Key to Health Starts With Your Gut back in June of 2011. In it, I discussed the role the gut
flora (good bacteria), gut permeability, gluten and the relationship between
our gut and our brain. In that article, there is also a link to a Podcast with Kris Kressor that I would recommend all parents listen to. Additionally,
in that article I gave a few basic guidelines regarding maintaining a healthy
- eliminate gluten (the protein found primarily in wheat, barley and
- keep healthy fats in the diet (saturated and Omega-3's)
- avoid processed foods, artificial flavoring and
- reduce sugar intake, especially high fructose corn
- eat a lot of vegetables
- exercise
- eat foods with healthy bacteria in them such as fermented
foods and yogurt
- reduce stress (this is more for us not the kids)
- reduce acidic foods and increase alkaline foods
(vegetables are a great source, good luck getting kids to eat these…with some creativity, it can be done)
- reduce Omega-6's
For parents with kids who have ADHD/ADD, it is important to understand the role that gluten with gut health and the brain. Remember, a healthy gut equals a healthy brain. If you can take the time to read the other
article first and/or listen to the Podcast, it will help. If not, you will
still learn a few things.
Let's start with a little history. Within the
last hundred years or so, it is estimated that our consumption of sugar has
increased about 10 times and we have introduced not only processed foods, trans
fats but also genetically modified foods and commercially raised meats, that
have a very poor health profiles compared to grass fed meats. All of this in the
last 100 years, which is not enough time for us to make the genetic adaptations
needed to tolerate these changes. As a result, cardio vascular disease,
Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, obesity, depression and other behavioral
disorders and Multiple Sclerosis, to name a few, have increased as a result.
Another health issue that has grown
exponentially since the early 80's is ADHD or ADD in children. Also the drugs
used to treat them, is the largest growing market for pharmaceutical drugs for
kids. And doctors are writing more and more prescriptions. The more the medical industry can label, the more drugs that can be sold.
Since the 70's, when most meat began
to be raised commercially, the health profile suffered dramatically. A source
of Omega-3's (EPA/DHA), which are essential for brain development and reducing inflammation, was suddenly
taken out of our diet. Unless your kid is taking a fish oil supplement or
eating grass fed meats, wild caught fish or raw dairy it is highly likely that
they are already deficient in Omega-3's. Add to that the rise in sugar
consumption and it’s no wonder why ADHD/ADD and other behavioral disorders and
obesity are on the rise in children. It’s pretty scary.
There is more. Gluten, which is a protein found in many grains primarily wheat, barley and rye, is another problem. If you read the previous article, you will have a better understanding. Basically, gluten is bad, really bad. It damages our small intestine causing nutritional malabsorption, inflammation as well as causing many auto immune responses. What is the cure? Avoid gluten. Research indicates that 70-80 percent of all people with ADHD are gluten sensitive. The same study indicated that over half of those with ADHD have Celiac Disease, which is basically a severe systematic allergic reaction to gluten. The cure? Yes, again, avoid gluten. Additionally, children with ADHD have almost 300% greater risk of developing long term disorders like Bi-Polar disorder, Depression, Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's. So its extremely important to take this seriously.
Those with gluten intolerance or
Celiac's experience several physiological reactions in the body in response to
gluten. One of those reactions is an inflammation in the frontal lobes of the
brain. That is the part that controls short term memory, planning, higher
functioning and concentration. Pretty interesting, huh? In a 2005 study by
Verkasalo, it was determined that cognitive function decline and
underachievement in post-secondary education is 400% more likely with gluten sensitivity.
So this affects adults as well.
The message is if someone has ADHD
it is highly likely that they have gluten sensitivity or Celiac's, and
likewise, it is highly likely that someone with Celiac's or gluten sensitivity
has ADHD or other behavioral disorders. The message is also this:- Identify sources of gluten. They are not only in foods
but are in skin care products.
- Eliminate those sources of gluten.
- For those with ADHD or behavioral disorders, in
addition to eliminating gluten, reduce overall carb load and add healthy
fats, including Omega-3's, and proteins.
If you or someone you know has ADHD, take a close look at their diet. By a making a few changes in the foods we put in our body, not only do improve our gut health but we ensure that our brain, mood, memory and overall quality of life can improve.
So what about sugar????
Are we poisoning ourselves and our
kids with too much sugar? First, let's talk about what sugar really is. All
sugars are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are chains of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen. They can vary from complex starchy carb chains, like those found in
sweet potatoes or simple "sugar" carb chains like those found in
fruits. Glucose is the simplest form of "sugar" that our body can use
as fuel.
When we digest carbs, the ultimate
goal is to break them down to a usable form of energy, which is glucose. Our
brain can only use glucose for fuel, thank goodness because the brain is
primarily comprised of fat! The brain can also use ketones, which are
byproducts of fat metabolism when we consume little to no carbs. Our kidneys
are another organ that uses glucose as its primary fuel source. So the brain
has to have glucose. No glucose means poor brain function which can range from
poor memory to more serious conditions like Alzheimer's, Depression and
Bi-polar disorder.
The brain uses about 4-6 grams of
glucose per hour and the kidneys, significantly less, about 1 gram. If we do
the math, this means our body only needs about 150 grams of carbs, or less, per
day. Anything over that, and we are driving insulin up unnecessarily high,
unless we are trying to gain weight. Remember, we have to have insulin but if
we are not replenishing depleted glycogen stores, insulin drives glucose into
the liver where it is converted to and stored as fat. If that isn't bad enough,
when our insulin is high our brain is competing with it for glucose. And guess
what?? If your brain isn't getting enough glucose, you know what it tells you
to eat? That's right, more carbs...and before you know it, you are caught in a
negative feedback loop that makes you crave carbs, diminishes cognitive
function (stupid), store fat and develop insulin resistance (type-2 diabetes.)
Interestingly enough, our body has
redundant systems to make sure our brain gets its glucose if we don't consume
enough carbs. The body can do this by breaking down protein and fat. That's why
there are essential fatty acids and amino acids...there are no essential
carbohydrates. Simply put, we, as humans, are designed to function and be very
healthy on a low carb intake, which makes sense since large amounts of carbs
are relatively new to our diet. Nowadays, we are flooded with carbs everywhere
we look and are told that we should have 6-11 servings per day!!! Total bullshit. As usual, I am digressing...back to sugar.
There are several types of sugar.
Here are four of the most common:
- sucrose (table sugar) a disaccharide made of one
glucose and one fructose
- lactose (milk sugar) a disaccharide made of glucose and
- galactose a monosaccharide found in animal products
- fructose (fruit sugar) found in...duh...fruit and is
the sweetest of all the sugars
The two that we are going to talk
about are the most commonly found: Sucrose and Fructose.
Here is the issue. Glucose is a
primary metabolic fuel for the body...especially the brain. If the brain can't
get enough glucose, the body uses fats and breaks down protein to glucose as fuel or the brain tells
the body to eat more carbs. Remember if insulin, a fat storage hormone, is
high, our body loses the ability to metabolize protein and stored fat and our
brain suffers. The message is simple; reduce the insulin load by reducing the
carb load.
Over the history of our existence,
our bodies have learned to metabolize glucose very efficiently in the liver.
Now enter fructose. Even though fructose is classified as a sugar it is
metabolized completely different than glucose. Once consumed, fructose is not
allowed to enter the bloodstream and is absorbed and metabolized solely by the
liver. What other substances are not allowed into the bloodstream and
metabolized solely by the liver? Yep, toxins. Hmmmm...
When fructose, which is very sweet,
enters the body we begin to produce a hormone called ghrelin which stimulates
hunger. This makes sense, when we taste or smell something good; nature has
programmed us to eat. Ghrelin levels are reduced when insulin goes up. What releases
insulin? Elevated blood sugar. This also makes sense because if our blood sugar
is going up that means we are getting carbs and have probably had enough to
Here is the problem. When we consume
fructose, our body can't use it, like other toxins, and the liver has to do
something with it. So what it does is actually pull more glucose out of the
blood into the liver and begins breaking down fructose. The end result is the
liver turning fructose into fatty acids, some of which make it to the blood as
triglycerides, and the others as fat deposits in the liver. So short version: fructose pulls more glucose into the liver, which reduces the ghrelin/hunger response, which signals a person to keep eating, which raises insulin, which prevents the brain from getting what it wants, and increases fat storage and fat deposits on the liver...also called fatty liver disease...which is common in alcoholics…and we eventually become sick and obese. So fructose, in many ways, is metabolized like alcohol and other toxins and causes some serious health problems.
Some sources of fructose are:
- fruit, which when eaten in its natural state contain
fiber which diminishes fructose absorption
- table sugar-sucrose (50% glucose and 50% fructose)
- High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) (55% or more fructose,
the rest glucose)...the worst of all. Sweeter than sugar, cheaper to make,
and found in just about everything processed, sold in a box, sodas
and....drum juices and snacks.
It was a genius marketing idea to put
HFCS if everything because it is sweet, causing a ghrelin response (hunger),
and lowers glucose so certain industries can make claims that it is lower on the
glycemic index, thus furthering our "carb craving" so we have to eat
even more...pretty smart. Too bad it is hepatoxic and makes us fat and stupid
not to mention increase diabetes and cardio-vascular disease.
Thanks to the soda companies, HFCS consumption climbed from 3 million tons to 8 million tons in 1980. According to the Center of Disease Control, it was about this time that obesity and even type-II diabetes began to increase in not only adults but children as well...and continues to rise.
It is easy to now see how high
levels of sugar and HFCS can cause a long list of health problems including
behavioral and mood disorders. Check out these stats from the Center of Disease Control
on ADHD and its rise in America. Hmmm...more disease=more medications=more $$
for drug companies. Also, I don't know about you, but I see a correlation
here...increase in carbs=increase in ADHD and related illnesses. If you ever
google "ADHD diet" you will find a long list of recommendations that
look almost identical to Paleo Diet....coincidence?
One of the theories about fructose
consumption dates back to the evolution of humans. For the majority of our
existence, carbs were very scarce and often available on a seasonal basis.
Fruit is the primary source of fructose. Fruits are usually ripe and in season
in the fall. The large amount in fructose in fruits drive hunger and allow us
to gorge on carbs and to build an extra layer of fat which allows to survive
the winter more easily. The point is we are designed to be very healthy with
low carbs and occasionally gorge on carbs...unfortunately most folks get caught
in the latter.
Ever heard that sugar is addicting?
Well, it’s true. Sugar meets all the criteria as addictive drugs...except its
legal, cheap and everywhere. Here are the criteria for addicting substances:
- Tolerance is developed
- Withdrawal
- Persistent desire
- Negative consequences
Another problem with sugar is that
it accelerates the production of AGE's (advanced glycation end products.) These
are harmful products from metabolizing glucose that oxidize (this is bad) and
increase free radicals which damages our cells. We need anti-oxidants to combat
free radicals. Fruits, especially berries, contain anti-oxidants. Interesting
how nature already figured this out and put fiber and anti-oxidants with
sources of fructose and sugar. Its only when we remove sugar from its natural
state that we exponentially increase its harmful effects.
Here is a great article that Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat
recently wrote for the New York Times. In it, he writes about the history of
HFCS in the American Diet and the associated rise in diseases and provides some
compelling evidence.
If you have kids, this video is a must see. It is a lecture given by Dr. Robert Lustig. The video is a
little over an hour long…I know, I know that’s pretty long, but he goes into
the microbiology of fructose and shows how it is a toxin...and gives the simple
version too. Some of you nerd-type like
myself will enjoy it.
This is the message guys. Limit or
restrict the use of sugar and fructose. First start by identifying sources and
cutting back on those sources and replace them with healthier choices, like
healthy meats, fats or vegetables or fruits. Fruits contain soluble fiber and
nutrients, but since they contain fructose we should limit consumption to one
to two servings per day. If possible, replace sugar or other sweeteners with natural
organic honey. It may contain more calories per serving but it contains
less fructose than table sugar. And get rid of all those fruit drinks!! They
are loaded with fructose.
So a real quick summary for a
healthy gut and healthy kid:
Provide fruits and veggies…yes this
may be a challenge
Healthy fats such as
Coconut oil
Saturated fats from healthy meats
Omega-3’s…from wild/grass fed
sources or supplements
Olive oil
Butter from Grassfed cows
Avoid processed foods with
artificial colors and flavors
Reduce overall gluten intake…for
some kiddos, this may have to be all together
Limit sugar
Avoid high fructose corn syrup
Studies have shown that occasional
exposure to certain toxins like alcohol and fructose can be very healthy for
the liver and ensures that it maintains its effectiveness at removing
"bad" stuff. But, like all things, too much can be very harmful.
Don't panic. This doesn't mean you or the kids can't have sugar again...because
you can. It just means, by educating yourself with some useful knowledge, you
can make better decisions for not only yourself but for you family as well.
So, once again, if you don't take my
word for it, please, seek out the knowledge and do your can only
help. I believe in keeping our children healthy and happy, so work to find that balance that works for you and your family. I also believe that the more we, as parents,
better understand food and the human body the better we can ensure both the health and happiness for our kids…what else is more important than that?
If you made it to the end of this
article, congratulations! I know, it was
longer than usual. Please let me know
what ya think. It’s the feedback I get
that keeps me motivated.
Additional Sources:
The Journal Of Attention Disorders, March
2006, 1-5. Verkasalo, M. “Undiagnosed Celiac Disease: A Risk for
Underachievement.” Scandanavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 40:1407-12
Campbell-McBride, Natasha. Gut and
Psychology Syndrome. Medinform
Publishing, 2010.
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