
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What's for dinner...liver and onions...seriously.

 Well, I guess, if you have a short attention span, then read no further.  The title pretty much sums it up.  Still interested?  Then by all means, continue.  

As you guys know, I am an advocate of Paleo nutrition, although I am not a purist.  I still consume dairy, mostly kefer style yogurt, aged cheeses and raw milk from a local farm.  Occasionally I will have some sweets or even...uhg...bread.  But for the most part, regarding nutrition, I follow three simple rules:
  1. Avoid gluten
  2. Avoid refined foods...especially vegetable oils
  3. Avoid sugar
The rest is easy.  If I avoid these three things, I am left with meats, veggies, nuts, occasional fruits and healthy fats...weird how that works out huh?

Most of my articles are pretty lengthy and focus on performance, diet and physiology.  I have decided I will try to throw in a few more "short" articles including meals, workouts and (hopefully) some videos.  On to the topic.

I have learned that by making small adjustments in how we eat, sleep and train we can have a significant impact on not only performance but our health and well-being.  And before ya know it, the little changes have added up and it becomes a lifestyle.

When it comes to meals, something easy we can do that has significant health benefits is to occasionally have some fatty fish, primarily salmon..the wild-caught stuff, not the farm-raised stuff.  If you usually eat grass-fed meats then the fish can just be something to mix things up.  Another thing we can throw in occasionally is...drum roll...liver.  Yes I said it.

I know what your thinking...gross.  Well, I'm not a big fan of it but I found if its cooked right, it is great.  I could write an article on the health benefits of liver or other organ meats, but I will keep it simple.  Liver is rich in B-vitamins, EFA's and fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin-A.  Here is a link from Chris Masterjohn's site with more info.

I get my liver from Woods and Cuds Natural Meats,  they are located at 5801 East Highway 67 in 817-783-6328.  They carry grassfed and pastured meats.  Great store and prices.  They sell the liver already thinly sliced..which is nice.

Here is a recipe I came up with to prepare liver:

4-6 oz thinly sliced liver, then cut into strips
1/4 white onion chopped
1/4 red bell pepper diced
little bit of diced jalapeno
2 oz sausage (your choice)
2 oz fresh spinach
2 tablespoon butter (Kerrygold Irish butter)

First put some butter and the sausage in the pan with the onions and cook for a couple of minutes.  Then put the liver, bell pepper and jalapeno in.  Cook until the liver is done, I like mine almost fried.  Then throw the spinach on top and cover with a lid for 3-4 min so the spinach cooks down....and there ya go!  Liver for least for me...the wife and kids aren't fans of it...yet.  I eat mine with a glass of raw milk....mmm mmm. 

Here is a picture below: 

Well,  if you try it I hope you enjoy it...until next time, make sure you get some sprints in and pick up something heavy this week.



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