
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Saturated fat not linked to heart disease...duh

Hey guys, as a follow up to yesterday, I wanted to post some related information.  Last year, finally, one of the lead medical sources of information, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (ACJM), released the results of a meta-analysis.  The results simply state that there is no conclusive evidence that saturated fats are linked or cause heart disease.  Check it out.

Saturated fats not linked to heart disease

If you are one of those folks who believe cholesterol is the cause of heart disease then you may buy into some of the misinformation that is out there.  It's not your fault, that is the information that is being fed to the masses.  Remember, cholesterol consumption has only risen 1% in the last 100 years yet Cardio Vascular Disease has risen 400%.  Hmmmm? Doesn't add up, I know.  So, the notion that cholesterol=CVD is garbage. 

If you don't believe the cholesterol myth, then you are ahead of most.   Here is a link to some info on the Framingham Study.  It was a large study done in the late 40's that was "designed" to show the risks of saturated fats.  The study continued for almost 50 years and the correlation was found between CVD and saturated fats or cholesterol.  Needless to say the industries that set up the study were pissed and the Framingham Study was quickly forgotten about...sort of.  Check it out.

Framingham Follies by Dr. Eades

 Here are some statistic charts from the Center of Disease Control.  Notice how low CVD, cancer was in 1900.  Diabetes wasn't even on the chart.  Compare that with 1997.   What has changed?  Simply a huge increase in PUFA's, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, grain consumption and a decrease in saturated fats.  Interesting.

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